Suddenly the light changed

After months with no rain the ground is dry, hard, cracked. Thirsty.

In town I saw ominous clouds rolling in. Hopeful that maybe they would contain rain.


By the time I got home it was like night had arrived. At 11am.


The skies have just opened. There is rain. I have had a glorious walk outside luxuriating in the falling water. Oh how needed and welcome this water is.

Now researching swales. I want to have the capacity to capture as much of this gift/resource as possible in the future.


EDIT: Sadly all bark and no bite. Despite the ominous dark clouds barely any rain fell 😦

Morning musings

Yesterday while I drove to Melbourne Autumn called to me from the foliage of the trees. I mourned the end of Summer and wished her well till I saw her again.

Autumn was just as apparent this morning as I drove back home. It was not til I was halfway home that an almost imperceptible hue of indigo began stealing across the sky. Slowly the trees began to distinguish themselves from the sky as the sun and I greeted the day. What a glorious day it promises to be. Welcome Autumn, welcome. You are beautiful.